Audiologist Services

Hearing Instrument Treatment Plans
The latest technology and styles carefully programmed and adjusted to your personal prescription using real-ear measurements (REM) to optimize speech understanding and comfort.

Our price commitment is to offer premium technology at better prices than traditional hearing clinics offer entry level / essential technology.

Comprehensive Audiologic Assessment - $215
Video otoscopy, middle ear assessment, otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), pure-tone threshold determination, ultra high-frequency audiometry, speech-in-noise testing, recommendations.

Complete Hearing Assessment - $175
Video otoscopy, middle ear assessment, pure-tone threshold determination, speech-in-noise testing, recommendations.

Hearing Test for Employment Applications - $145
 RCMP, OACP, aviation, etc.

Basic Hearing Screening - $95
Pure tone thresholds
Home Visit  - Full Assessment - $275
 Complete in-home hearing assessment, consultation, recommendations. Includes wax removal (if required). 
Home Visit - Service/Repair - $175
 In-home hearing aid clean and check, otoscopy. Other services are billable as required.


Tinnitus Evaluation - $295
  Includes complete hearing assessment, including otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), ultra-high frequency audiometry, tinnitus evaluation and management strategies.

Hearing Instrument Re-fittings / Adjustments - $395
  Bring in your hearing aids from other providers that are underperforming or not meeting your needs.


Ear Wax Removal  - $125
  We remove wax safely and effectively using either manual removal (curette) or irrigation (water). 
Third-Party Billing - No cost to client
 Veteran's Affairs Canada (VAC), Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).